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Sometimes food is not enough

Sometimes food is not enough

Tuesday 2nd May 2023

Sometimes food is not enough to power your brain. Our brain is the most energy demanding organ besides our heart. Relying on glucose for energy which is metabolised through our powerhouse known as the mitochondria.

The brain has hundreds of thousands of mitochondria, packed away inside our cells! Though, as we get older, we are prone to more oxidative stress, which is why the brain is so vulnerable. Oxidative stress in layman's terms is where there are too many unstable molecules v antioxidants which may lead to cell damage and disease.

We all know what lower's oxidative stress a good night's sleep, decreasing alcohol, caffeine and sugar, stopping any addictions and of course a high nutrient diet. What happens if you have taken on board all the nutrition advice and you are still feeling symptoms of foggy head, low mood, low cognition, poor memory recall and generally functioning sub optimal. You may want to look at some key supplements to help support brain function.

Phosphatidyl Choline supports dopamine, which is our reward, drive and pleasure neurotransmitter and additionally supports the liver to detoxify toxins.

Bacopa is a plant used in Ayurvedic medicine and is known as a "Nootropic" as it enhances brain function. Increase cerebral blood flow and balances key excitory neuro transmitters. Useful to increase mood and calmness.

Maca is the from the root of a plant found in Peru - you can have this in the form of a tincture or powder. Mix this with your yoghurt or in your smoothie for a delicious caramel flavour. Enhances mood, supports the body's ability to manage stress by balancing cortisol, which is why it's known as an adaptogen as it modulates stress .

Red Ginseng or Korean Ginseng , components in Ginseng have been suggested to fight free radical damage in the brain and a preventative for neurological damage. Also has powerful antidepressant effects by increasing blood flow and balance neurotransmitters essential for well being. #nutritionaltherapy #nutrition #brainhealth #vitamins #weightmangement #addiction #dopamine #nutrition #wellbeing #thyroidwellness