Welcome to MCN
Meet Melissa Cohen
I have a BSc (Hons) degree in Nutritional Therapy, am registered with The British Association of Nutritional Therapists (BANT) and a member of the NHS Complementary Natural Health Care Council (CNHC). Additionally, I have further training in Functional Medicine and a graduate of the Institute of Functional Medicine (mIFM). As a qualified Neuro Linguistic Practitioner (NLP) I am able to provide coaching for all my clients and this gets results fast.
In my 20s I worked in a demanding job travelling to different countries every other week for 5 years. Whilst it sounds glamorous and I am thankful of the experience. All the travelling took a toll on my health. At this point I started to question what I was eating, though I couldn't find enough sound nutritional advice and so decided to study and educate myself on what I was putting into my body. I embarked on a Nutritional Therapy BSc (Hons) degree with a coaching qualification as an NLP Practitioner. Fifteen years later I am still practicing.
I am constantly updating myself on the latest nutritional scientific research, attending post graduate courses to enable my clients to gain the latest nutritional advice to provide the highest care to my clients.
I am a graduate of the Institute of Functional Medicine which addresses the root cause of discomfort rather than only symptoms. Taking into account lifestyle, diet, genetics and beliefs.
I am lucky to have worked and partnered with luxurious health spas, written for tabloid newspapers and magazines and have a good team of medical practitioners I work alongside with to enable an integrative approach of medicine and nutrition.
I also work within the Naturopathy model utilizing the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine. I supervise and teach nutrition students at The College of Naturopathic Medicine for the last 8 years, and now formally completing my diploma in Naturopathy.
With over 15 years of experience working with my clients and supporting their goals through Nutritional Therapy and Functional Medicine I am able to identify causations of imbalance quickly. Providing a practical plan combining complementary modalities in Nutritional therapy, functional medicine and Naturopathy, utilizing NLP techniques to create change.
I utllise functional and medical testing and on request biofeedback therapy.
I practice in Marylebone and St John's Wood , zoom consultations are also available.
For a truly personalised approach I offer a multitude of functional testing. For more information on this, have a look at my Functional Tests and Packages. These tests are non invasive, which means no blood samples are required. Samples are either stool, urine or saliva.
Work with me >


Digestive Health Management
Stool Test using DNA measuring checking for parasites/bacteria/yeast and beneficial gut flora. Alongside measuring markers for inflammation and absorption.

Mood & Performance Booster
DNA Genetic profiling measuring markers for mood including neuro - transmitter pathways and an organic acids test to check for nutrient deficiencies.

Nutrition MOT
Urine test checking for metabolites (breakdown) of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, through a urine sample.
My Publications

Daily Express
Sunday Supplement "What's in your Food"
- July 2014 edition

Yahoo! Style
"Speaking to nutritionist Melissa Cohen was utterly enlightening."

The Mirror
Melissa Cohen nutrition tips for stress

Vitality Magazine
Prudential Health Vitality Magazine
- Summer 2014

OK Magazine
"Go With The Flow" -July 2021
"Meet The Anti-Dementia Vitamin" - September 2021

The Telegraph
"49 Is The Weight Gain Tipping Point". "The Best Foods to eat to tackle Menopause" - October 2021