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Do I need milk for my bones?

Do I need milk for my bones?

Monday 17th April 2023

This is a really common question and the quick answer is you need ore than milk. You need CALCIUM, VITAMIN D and MAGNESIUM for bone health. 50% of women will get osteoporosis compared to 20% of men. After the age of 50 bone density declines by 2% and can reach to 50% plus at 80 years of age. There is so much right now written and spoken about regarding the menopause , so this isn't the topic, though I'm sure you all know, lowered oestrogen levels lead to decreased activity of bone cells, triggering osteoporosis. Though the question you may be asking is do I swap dairy for plant based milks? As plant based milks are processed, where as dairy milk is a wholefood - a bit of a conundrum :) The dairy industry has blindsided us through powerful marketing to thinking that we need milk for calcium, THIS IS INCORRECT. Soy, Almond, Coconut and Oat all have higher calcium levels than dairy. If watching your blood glucose due to weight management, fatigue or diabetes, than oat milk should e avoided. Sugars are high in Oat milk, which makes sense as they are 100% carb. The highest protein source of milk is Soy milk, which is fairly high in sugars and whilst the Soy is non GM it is still highly processed and may disrupt our hormones. Due to being a high phyto-oestrogen, enabling hormonal balance when PMT and going through the menopause. Other sources of phyto-oestrogens are Red Clover, which you may have seen listed in menopause multi vitamins. If you are still unsure which milk to go for. I suggest Almond milk or coconut oil for your coffees. Have your tea black to gain optimal benefit of Electroencephalogram (EEG) to support clearance of toxins. Cereals mix with half and half yoghurt:almond milk.

For an express consultation for bone health, book in for a consultation.