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Nutritional Support for improved cognitive and behavioural development

Nutritional Support for improved cognitive and behavioural development

Monday 31st January 2022
Nutrients MDPI

Academic Research demonstrating the important of personalised nutrition in pregnancy. Some interesting take home pointers to save you reading the whole article:

First 1,000 days of life are the most critical for neurodevelopment

400mg of DHA (source Omega Essential Fatty Acids) during first 20 weeks of pregnancy, showed positive effects on attention age 5.

Increasing tryptophan rich foods at breakfast improved mood and behaviour during the day. As tryptophan converts to melatonin, this also helped a good night's sleep. Think avocado, nuts, seeds, oats and eggs

Looking after your gut impacts your baby's brain development, especially when fortunate enough to give birth naturally (ie., not through caesarean ). These include a variety of vegetables, whole foods, and a probiotic supplement during pregnancy.